One of the most common
statements I hear these days in education is that a child needs to advocate for
himself/herself. As an educator, it sounds great. Having students
speak up for themselves - sure, why not?
So I looked it up. Here is what Google tells me: Being
your own advocate means
that you ask for what you need while respecting the needs of others. For
example, if you are at a store and a clerk ignores you, ask in a polite way to
be served. Self-advocacy is asking for what you
need in a direct, respectful manner.
As an educator and parent, this is absolutely what I want my children to do;
self-advocate. And as an educator and parent, I'd like to speak for these
children. Please, please understand that self-advocacy will look
differently for each child. Just as with everything in education,
self-advocacy will be personalized to the child.
Extroverted children may walk right up to you, say or ask for
what they want, and be just fine doing it. Face-to-face conversations may
be easy for them. Raising their hand in class and answering questions
comes natural. Group work, yes please! Presentations in front of
the class, why not?
Now, let's take a look at introverted or shy children.
What would self-advocacy look like for them? Have you ever thought about
this? What about those students with anxiety disorders? Does this
idea of self-advocacy go against every part of this child's being? Does
it physically make them ill to have this conversation?
I'm a mom of a child with an anxiety disorder. One day, after discussing
my child's anxiety disorder, shyness, and introverted manner; I was told that
he just needed to advocate for himself during class and with his
teachers. My first thoughts were, "What? Did you just hear
what we discussed during this meeting?". Then, I stopped and thought.
Yes, he can self-advocate, but it will look differently.
So, as educators, let's talk about what self-advocacy might look like for those
"shy" kids:
- emailing you about a missing assignment, misunderstanding, or need
- writing a quick note on an assignment or next to a test question
- asking/emailing to meet after school or before school with you
- asking/emailing for copies of notes or slide shows
I'm not saying that we
shouldn't teach our children to self-advocate. I'm only wanting to remind
all educators that self-advocacy, like everything in education, must be
personalized to students. Please keep this in mind when working with our
precious children. YOU mean so much to them!
I'd love to hear how you
have seen or empowered students to self-advocate. Leave me a comment!
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