Monday, June 19, 2017

How Do We Personalize for Teachers?

One aspect of education that I have been reflecting on this year is personalization for teachers.  As educators there is a certain amount of professional development that we are required to have, but also a certain amount of learning we expect of ourselves.  So how do we, as school leaders, personalize the professional development of our teachers?

One way is to use Google Classroom to create multiple classrooms our teachers may join.  These classrooms can house videos, articles, and links specific to the educator's personal learning.  A teacher can get in the virtual classroom to watch specific videos and read articles all on the topic of personal learning.  Afterwards, educators can comment giving their thoughts or how the learning can be taken into the classroom.

Concurrently, we create a network of learners within our own school.  A network of multi-grade level learners that encourage, challenge, and network together on the same journey of learning.  This leads to the school becoming a community, and in turn, a shared vision.  What could be better than that?